synchronized is hard

I had a java problem that looked trivial at first, but quickly becomes convoluted when taking into account the necessity of thread safety. The problem: You get tuples of (Runnable, Object), and want to serialize the execution of the run() method of all Runnables you get for a given Object. (The object is just an identifier, an in the given case was an integer identifying a stream to work on.)

The obvious decomposition is to have a map that maps from the identifier object to a serializer. For each new object we look up a serializer with the identifier or create a new one if none is there yet and put it into the map, then throw the runnable into that serializer.

public class SerialRunner {
  private HashMap <Object, ExecQueue> queuemap =
    new HashMap<Object, ExecQueue> ();
  public void add (final Object id, final Runnable run) {
    synchronized (queuemap) {
      ExecQueue q = queuemap.get (id);
      if (q == null) {
        q = new ExecQueue ();
        queuemap.put (id, q);
      q.add (run);

The serializer itself just needs a method to add runnables to execute and some internal workings to actually execute those runnables. In addition we need a way to tell our client that all work is done, and that it can be removed from the map.

public abstract class ExecQueue {
  private Thread thread = null;
  private Vector<Runnable> list = new Vector<Runnable> ();

  protected abstract void done ();

  private synchronized Runnable getjob () {
    if (queue.size () > 0) {
      return queue.remove (0);
    return null;

  public synchronized void add (Runnable r) {
    list.addElement (r);
    if (thread == null) {
      thread = new Thread () {
        public void run () {
          while (true) {
            Runnable r = getjob ();
            if (r == null) break;
          done ();
      thread.start (); // the thread

For the exit indication I added the abstract done() method which every client has to override, thus the SerialRunner has to implement it:

    synchronized (queuemap) {
      ExecQueue q = queuemap.get (id);
      if (q == null) {
        q = new ExecQueue () {
          public synchronized void done () {
            queuemap.remove (id);
        queuemap.put (id, q);
      q.add (run);

And it all works (this is whiteboard code, not compiled). Except that, once in a while, it will drop a runnable. Can you see why?

The problem is that the done() callback is invoked after getjob() noted that the queue is empty, but nothing keeps the SerialRunner from putting another Runnable into the ExecQueue between the detection and the callback, and that one will be lost. ExecQueue could check for that and complain, or execute that Runnable (there may even be more than one), but still SerialRunner will put new runnables for that object on a different ExecRunner, and thus the serialization guarantee is violated.

If we changed ExecQueue so that the done() callback is called from within the synchronized getjob() we’d only get into the hard place. Instead of dropping a Runnable we’d now deadlock: The ExexQueue thread holds its own lock and wants to lock the SerialRunner (by the done() callback), which add() holds the SerialRunner lock and wants to obtain the lock of ExecQueue.

And there is no way to fix that by only juggling with the synchronized. If you release the SerialRunner lock before putting the runnable into the obtained ExecQueue you again run the risk of the ExecQueue getting done() in between, and thus dropping the Runnable.

You need to change the API; the done() callback design, which looks innocent from a single-threaded perspective simply can’t work. Either you change add() of ExecQueue to return a boolean whether the queue is actually still active and have SerialRunners add retry completely (creating a new ExecQueue and map entry), or you need to need to more tightly couple the two classes so that, instead of the done() callback, both objects are locked in the proper sequence, and the removal is then done. (I chose the latter one.)


This relatively simple problem very easily gets out of hand in more complicated applications, and reasoning about possible deadlocks requires knowledge of all the component’s synchronization behaviour. As soon as the flow of control traverses in different directions through the object graph (which is typical of GUI toolkits) such finegrained synchronization becomes practically impossible.

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